What Are The Symptoms That Your Home Foundation Is In Grave Distress In San Marcos?

7 Symptoms That Your Home Foundation Is In Grave Distress In San Marcos Concrete foundations, while extremely durable and long lasting, can be prone to damage from a variety of sources. The list below outlines seven symptoms that indicate your foundation might need repairs.

  1. One of the first signs of trouble with a home foundation is cracking in interior or exterior walls. These cracks may be horizontal, vertical, diagonal, or stair-step shaped. It’s important to watch for these cracks carefully, as they often point to structural problems caused by soil movement around the foundation wall.
  2. If you see any areas along the basement wall where it appears to be bending inward or outward toward you (known as bowing), this could signify that pressure is being put on the foundation by expansive soils or hydrostatic pressure.
  3. Gutters that are blocked, not draining properly, or broken can cause water to pool around the foundation and weaken it over time. Make sure gutters are kept clean and functioning to avoid any potential problems with your home’s foundation.
  4. If you notice sloping, uneven floors in your home, this could be a sign of settling soil underneath the foundation structure. This type of problem is often caused by excessive moisture or poorly compacted soils when the home was built.
  5. If you find yourself having difficulty opening and closing doors or windows in your home, this could be an indication of a shifting foundation. As the foundation settles and changes, it can cause door frames and windows to become misaligned and difficult to open or close.
  6. If you notice that your home’s chimney is leaning away from the house, this could be a sign of a deep-rooted foundation issue. This can happen when soils shift below the foundation or due to poor construction practices when building the home’s structure.
  7. The last symptom of possible trouble with your home’s foundation is crumbling basement walls. This could be caused by water seepage into the basement walls leading to deterioration over time, so it’s important to keep an eye out for any signs of erosion.


What Are The Signs Of A Foundation Problem?

The most common signs of a foundation problem include cracking walls, bowed walls, faulty gutters, uneven floors, doors and windows sticking, leaning chimneys, and crumbling basement walls. If you notice any of these symptoms in your home, it is important to contact an experienced professional to inspect the foundation as soon as possible.

How Do I Fix Foundation Problems?

Foundation problems should always be addressed by an experienced professional. Depending on the severity of the issue and type of damage present, they will recommend a specific solution such as underpinning or wall reinforcement systems.

Why Are My Floors Uneven?

Uneven floors are often a sign of settling soils underneath the foundation structure. This type of problem is usually caused by excessive moisture or poorly compacted soils when the home was built. If you notice any changes in your floors, it’s important to contact an experienced professional for an inspection and assessment as soon as possible.

Can We Repair Foundation Issues In Concrete?

Yes, we certainly can repair foundation issues in concrete, though the approach depends on the specific problem at hand. Cracks, bulges, sinking, or shifting can all be indicative of foundation issues, and each presents its own unique challenges. Smaller cracks can be repaired using a technique called crack injection. This involves filling the cracks with a substance like epoxy or polyurethane foam, which then hardens to seal the crack and prevent further damage. Crack injection is typically an effective solution for cracks that are less than 1/8 inch wide. For larger cracks, bulges, or shifting, a more intensive solution may be necessary. Techniques such as slab jacking or piering can be used. Slabjacking involves pumping a grout mixture beneath the concrete to lift it back into place. Piering, on the other hand, is a technique in which steel posts are driven through unstable soil and hydraulic jacks are used to raise and stabilize the concrete slab. If sinking is the issue, it can often be corrected with a process known as underpinning, which strengthens the foundation by extending it deeper into the ground to more stable soil or bedrock. In all cases, it’s essential to address the root cause of the foundation issues. This could involve improving drainage around the property to prevent water damage, or repairing any plumbing leaks that may be contributing to soil instability. It’s also crucial to hire professionals with expertise in concrete repair, as poorly executed repairs can lead to further damage and potential safety hazards. Remember, repairing a foundation is not just about fixing the visible damage; it’s about restoring the stability and safety of the entire structure.


It is important to keep an eye out for any changes or signs of damage to your home’s foundation, as they could be an indication of a larger problem. For more information regarding foundation repair, sloping floors or concrete home improvement, contact Concrete Contractor San Marcos at (760) 289-3555.