What Are The Most Encountered Problems In Fresh Concrete In San Marcos?

7 Most Encountered Problems In Fresh Concrete San MarcosConcrete is a composite material composed of coarse aggregate bonded together with a fluid cement that hardens over time. Most concretes used are lime-based concretes such as Portland cement concrete or concretes made with other hydraulic cements, such as ciment fondu. Concrete is widely used for construction and engineering purposes. A wide variety of concrete mixes are available to suit a range of applications. However, even the best quality concrete can sometimes develop problems. Here are seven of the most commonly encountered problems with fresh concrete:

  1. Bleeding is the loss of water from the surface of concrete due to capillary action. It usually happens when there is too much water in the mix. The water rises to the surface, causing the concrete to become weak and honeycombed.
  2. Segregation is the separation of the constituents of concrete, such as sand, gravel and cement. It happens when the concrete mix is too wet or there is too much vibration. The segregation can cause the concrete to become uneven and weaker.
  3. Shrinkage is the contraction of concrete due to drying. It can cause cracks in the concrete as it shrinks and loses volume.
  4. Plastic settlement is a type of shrinkage that happens when the concrete is still in its plastic state (before it dries). It happens when the water to cement ratio is too high or when there is too much fine aggregate in the mix.
  5. Thermal cracking happens when the temperature of concrete drops too quickly. It can happen if the concrete is placed in cold weather or if cold water is used to cure the concrete.
  6. Alkali-aggregate reaction (AAR) is a chemical reaction between the alkalis in concrete and certain types of aggregates. It can cause expansion and cracking of the concrete.
  7. Corrosion of reinforcement is a problem that affects reinforced concrete structures. The steel reinforcement bars are susceptible to corrosion if they are exposed to water and oxygen. This can lead to the deterioration of the concrete.


What Are The Problems In Concrete?

The seven most commonly encountered problems with fresh concrete are bleeding, segregation, shrinkage, plastic settlement, thermal cracking, alkali-aggregate reaction, and corrosion of reinforcement.

What Are The Possible Causes Of Segregation Of Fresh Concrete?

Segregation can be caused by too much water in the mix, or by too much vibration. It is also more likely to happen if the concrete mix is too wet, or if there is too much fine aggregate in the mix.

How Can We Solve The Problem Of Concrete?

The best way to avoid problems with concrete is to use a good quality concrete mix and to follow the recommended mixing and curing procedures.


It is important to be aware of the potential problems that can occur with fresh concrete, in order to avoid them. By using a good quality concrete mix and following the recommended mixing and curing procedures, you can help to ensure that your concrete will be strong and durable. For more information, contact Concrete Contractor San Marcos at (760) 289-3555.